Over the past twenty years scientists have uncovered the effects that our current lifestyles and business practices will have on Earth’s climate as we move into the future. If businesses and society as a whole do not decrease reliance on fossil fuels the negative effects produced by climate change will lead to a multitude of problems the world over. Luckily over the past decade many businesses have begun to recognize these potential disasters and have started to take corrective action. This change in the business world to move towards more environmentally friendly business practices has come to be known as green business. But what exactly does the term green business mean? According to Wikipedia.org a business is green if it meets the following four criteria:
1) It incorporates principles of sustainability into each of its business decision.
2) It supplies environmentally friendly products or services that replace demand for non-green products and/or services.
3) It is greener than traditional competition.
4) It has made an enduring commitment to environmental principles in its business operations.
Many businesses now practice these four criteria and pride themselves on leaving a lower carbon footprint then their direct competitors. One of the first business men to start this practice is Ray Anderson. Ray Anderson was the founder and chairman of Interface Inc. Interface Inc. is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of modular carpet and is often regarded as a flagship business in the green business movement. Through this blog I will show how businesses such as Interface Inc. have been converted into green businesses and how turning your business green can actually be a profitable venture.
Ray Anderson link: http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/08/29/306333/ray-anderson-memorial/
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