Today my sustainability in a changing world class took a
field trip to our local Chipotle. My class is currently studying the aspects of
sustainability concerning the food industry. For those of you who are not aware
Chipotle is leading the charge towards environmentally friendly restaurants. The
efforts to be environmentally include buying naturally raised animals and
locally grown produce. Since 2001 100% of the pigs Chipotle purchases are
raised outside or in deeply bedded pens are never given antibiotics and are fed
a vegetarian diet. Currently Chipotle purchases 80% of its beef raised in the
conditions listed above. Naturally raised beef is a scarce commodity, but Chipotle
will continue to search for it until 100% of its beef is naturally raised.
Presently 35% of dairy products used at Chipotle come from pasture raised cows.
They are constantly searching for more sources of pasture raised dairy
cows. It is required by law not to give
chickens growth hormones, but Chipotle takes it a step farther and refuses to
purchase chickens if they have been given antibiotics or fed with additional
additives such as arsenic. Chipotle also believes in serving the freshest
locally grown vegetables possible. Chipotle plans to serve at least 50% of at
least one produce item from local farms when it is seasonally available.
Chipotle’s efforts to save the environment include the restaurants themselves. Recently
a Chipotle opened a restaurant in Gurnee, IL. This establishment became the
first restaurant to ever receive platinum certification in the Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design rating system.
Link to Chipotle Video: http://youtu.be/aMfSGt6rHos
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